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Established in 2005, BusinessRescueExpert has grown to become one of the most respected national corporate insolvency practices. Known for its quality client services.

BusinessRescueExpert has advised over 10,000 business owners and directors to date, taking over 1,100 formal insolvency appointments.

Our strengths combine modern and intuitive work processes, with one on one client services, allowing us to offer quick, efficient, and both technically and commercially strong advice.

Are We?

BusinessRescueExpert is a leading national insolvency practice.

In the last month we were ranked 12th in the UK (by volume of liquidation appointments).

Our strengths combine modern and intuitive work process, with one on one client services, allowing us to offer quick, efficient, and both technically and commercially strong advice.

We provide dedicated nationwide coverage, and ensure that we are available when you need us.

Piece of Mind
BusinessRescueExpert is regulated by the Insolvency Practitioners Association, and a member of the Turnaround Management Association. It is also a member of the Insolvency trade body, R3.
As peace of mind for our clients, BusinessRescueExpert also carries Professional Indemnity Insurance in the unlikely event of  a claim having to be made.
How are
We Doing?
It’s important to us, and to you as a client, that all instructions are carried out as efficiently as possible. 
We’re happy to publish how many days on average we take to place a company into a formal procedure (such as liquidation) from when instruction and provision of information).

We know how good we are, but what do our clients say? We hold a 5* rating with both Yell and Google. Click through to see exactly what our clients say about us.”

Getting in touch with the Expert…

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